As I have said in an earlier blog, we had such a great time with Judy's family at Christmas in Kimberling City/Branson. We stayed in 7 or 8 condos, and would meet up for various things throughout the week (bowling tournaments, mini-golf tournaments, Silver Dollar City, etc.). Often we would stroll over to someone's condo and sit around with coffee and just talk after breakfast. Here is a picture of Judy with two of her sisters and their spouses and her mom and dad. (Bob is watching the birds and the boats on the lake.)

Speaking of birds, we saw some spectacular eagles flying up and down the lake outside our condo windows. I saw one come so close that I could see his individual wing feathers. Wow!
A morning walk was scheduled at 8:30 every morning for those who were interested. Here we are walking through a cool covered bridge.

My mother went with us for the week, and went into Silver Dollar City. We got her a motorized chair, and she went all over the park. She really enjoyed herself. Especially when she drove over the bridge. The pavement was ridged, and so when she drove over it, she got a good bounce-bounce-bounce ride. She laughed every time she drove over it. Here she is waiting for the light parade with two of her great-granddaughters.

We found a great woodworking shop in Silver Dollar City. They had an area set up like a sitting room. The furniture was so very comfortable that Mother and I sat down and rested. I almost fell asleep. Doesn't she look pretty and sharp in her coat and blue scarf?
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