Judy and her artwork continue to amaze me. She is so very creative. Imagine opening a Christmas present of your children having been painted by your mother. We were in Branson for Judy's family Christmas get-together. Our girls gathered in our apartment with their girls and boy to open presents. It was wonderful to see their delight at what Judy had done. We removed the apartment pictures from the wall and hung the portraits. The girls climbed up on the divan to get a closer look, and Judy got a snapshot of them. Here is the outcome (click on the picture to see a larger view). Of course, Olivia wanted her picture to be by Caitlyn's, but that was impossible. I am blessed to have the family I do, and I know it! Enjoy the eye candy, while I enjoy the real thing!
Here are the portraits up close.
Olivia and Ava (5 and 4 years old).

Caitlyn and Brent (4 and 1 year old).
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