How would you like to come to breakfast and find 3 beauties like these at your table. Wow! I am blessed, blessed, blessed. Each of them are so definite in what they want and how they eat it, so your time at the table is full of interest and surprises. I would watch one for awhile, then another, then another. Each are beautiful in their own way. Caitlyn is so careful to arrange her table area just so, then she eats.

Ava jumps up with great vigor (as she does all things) and chows down. She loves to watch others, for what reason I don't know. Maybe she wants to see how they are doing it, and copy them. Or make sure she is different from everyone else.

Olivia's food has to be just so. When eating pancakes, if they don't respond to her fork, she says, "They're not working!!" And immediately someone needs to figure out what the problem is and help out, or she might have a melt down. But even if she does melt down, as soon as the problem is fixed, she is all OK again. I think Cheerios might be easier for her than pancakes.

What sweet girls I have! But I can't help wondering how Brent is going to fit into the equation. Oh, my!
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