Judy has been after me for years to turn some of my teachings into pamphlets or even books (small books). I have resisted the notion with great success. However, lately I have been getting an urge inside to do just that. And today, I actually put finger to keyboard to make my teaching on "Worship" into something -- a pamphlet, small book. Now the discipline of sitting and writing (I think I may suffer from ADHD or ADD) is not the most excruciating part of the process. I have discovered that Judy's editing is another form of blood-letting done with the torture tools of the Spanish Inquisition. It really makes me mad, but then I soon cool and get to the re-write. And I discover that she was right -- ooh, that hurts, too! Her years of working at ORU in publications has given her much experience in sadistic editing.
Oh, yes! I did write a piece on healing last week (or rather, refreshed an old piece), but I may include it in my larger tome on Victory Ground -- which I have begun.
Pray for me, please.
Dreams do come true
12 years ago
Wow! What a big undertaking!!!!!
Very neat.
Hi, Dad!
I've met your daughter, Stephanie via the blogosphere.
Thought I'd pop over and say hello--I always see your comments on her blog!
Your blog looks great and being a Papa really suits you! I love the photos of you making pancakes.
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