For the last two Sundays, we have preached at a church south of Muskogee. They are looking for a minister, and though I wasn't interested in pastoring their congregation, I was interested in helping them out by preaching for them. I felt that the Lord had given me 4 messages for them. As it turned out, they asked me to preach for them two Sundays in a row. I thought they would probably not ask me to return for a third Sunday (at least at this time) because of the fact that the Lord had given me these 4 messages. I was right.

Anyway, we were able to be at our home church,
Christian Chapel, in Muskogee today. Although we had been at church on the Wednesday nights between the two Sundays away, we still missed the fellowship of the Sunday services. It was so good to be back! We really enjoyed ourselves, and were reminded why we decided to be a part of this great church. This morning's service finished with a young man and young woman (not related) being saved. What a great way to finish a service!
Tonight we get to go again. There is no way we would miss a service (AM, PM or Wednesday) unless we had to be out preaching or on vacation. This is a church that makes you feel welcome, laughs with you, cries with you, and truly misses you when you are absent. The warmth and love that we experience is exactly what church should be about. Jesus is lifted up, and everyone is made to feel loved and wanted.
As we increasingly go out preaching and teaching, it is nice to know that there is a place just for us, supporting us, missing us, and wanting us back as soon as we can get there.
I hope that each of you reading this has a similar place of worship where you are.
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