My mother arrived at the Tulsa airport Thursday evening to spend Christmas with us. Next Sunday Jim and Kari and girls will be in Tulsa to spend Christmas with the his folks and us. We are eager to have them come. Then Jeff, Stephanie and their kids will be here the weekend after Christmas. We will have all our family, and my mother, here with us for part of the holidays. Wow! We are excited.
It is always so much fun to see the 3 girls playing together. They have so much energy, and each one of them encourages the others -- not always for good -- but always for fun. Someday Brent will be old enough to play with them. I wonder if he will become the leader because he is a boy, or if he will withdraw some because he is a boy. At any rate, I am looking forward to finding out.
Right now, though, Caitlyn is having fun being Momma's helper with Brent. She is very good, too! Stephanie enjoys her help. Caitlyn loves to snuggle, and sometimes when I am around, without warning, she will get up close to where I am sitting and snuggle in for a few minutes. It isn't very long, but it is greatly enjoyed and remembered.
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