Today, I think we have finally reached a place where we (Judy & I) can begin to seek the Lord for directions in our lives. We have gotten pressing things out of the way, and have entertained our friends from South Africa. We have attended two memorial services in Tulsa. we can begin to concentrate on ourselves and our direction of life.
As Shakespeare said, "That's where the rub comes in." How do you hear God's voice? How do you know God's direction? How much should your income (or lack thereof) determine what you do? I am convinced that there are no easy answers to the questions. But I do know that it is important to do some very definite things to at least be able to hear from God. (I once said that every message/lesson that I preach/teach is not without personal cost. Too true!!)
I do know that you have to:
1. Release your own purposes. This is very hard to do, for anyone. And I am not sure that anyone can be totally successful in it. But one can begin, and then continue to release as the Lord shows him/her other issues.
2. Don't perpetuate the past. Whatever has worked before, probably won't work now. Faith is a growing thing. Yesterday's faith is no good for today. The principles of God are always good, the way we used to do things, probably isn't.
3. Wait on God. Ps. 37:7 - "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him." Now doesn't that just open a whole can of worms? How do you rest? How do you wait?
4. Stay close to the written Word of God. Keep it before you, read it regularly, meditate on what you have read. Keep your mind on God
5. Watch for the moving of the Spirit. God told David that he should go up against the Philistines, but to wait till he heard the sound of marching in the mulberry trees. (Have you ever?) But somehow, if you are obeying God, you will recognize the signal.
So you can see (and I am writing mainly and purposefully to my daughters who are the only ones, for sure, that read this blog) that getting your next direction from the Lord is an other-worldly proposition. I might add that one should be attentive to every message they hear preached and every word of encouragement they receive. God has many ways to speak to us.
Further, and on a lighter note, you should check Kari's Ramblings (see link to the right of this page) to enjoy some fun videos that she made with Olivia and Ava.
Dreams do come true
12 years ago
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