Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Another Great Christian Fiction Book by Davis Bunn - Unlimited

I love to read, as I know many of you do. And I love letting others know of great Christian fiction books. So here is my review of another new book by my favorite author, Davis Bunn;

Davis Bunn does it again. Another great book, Unlimited, is now available in the bookstores of America. The title should warn you that there is far more to this book than meets the eye – or the mind, for that matter.

Unlimited is about a little-known power source not yet defined that will bring great relief to the people. But here is the conundrum. What unknown power source is the real focus of Davis Bunn’s book? Is it the one that has to do with electricity, or is it the one that has to do with the man who is working on the electricity? You’ll have to read to find out. But don’t think I have given anything away. Oh, no. There are other messes to find and straighten out. You might ask, “How many messes can one author put in one book, and work them all out simultaneously?” Be sure to count as you read.

Unlimited is an age-old story told in a modern day setting. Everything is in a mess, harder to untangle than a wad of yarn. The country is in a mess, the town is in a mess, the orphanage is in a mess, and the one person who seems to chosen to fix everything is a mess. The whole story is reminiscent of the fallen creation, or Israel enslaved in Egypt, or Israel under the judges, or most any Old Testament story. In Unlimited – like the Old Testament – the person God has chosen to bring order and victory out of chaos is in a mess. Simon doesn’t know what he wants in life, why he does what he does, or how and if he wants change and another chance.

We would try to fix Simon before Simon can fix the situation. But in God’s special way, he does both simultaneously. We would do step one, and then step two, etc. But then, we can’t begin to figure out how to untangle a wad of yarn, so we usually toss it and get more yarn. Not God. He just happens to think that Simon is not irretrievably lost – nor the orphanage, nor the town, nor the country. So, God sets about to untangle each situation at the same time!

Here is my standard warning about any of Davis’ books. He seems to get behind the reader and push him through the book. So don’t get too rushed. Take time to find the great little nuggets hidden along the way.

I received a complimentary copy of Unlimited from B&H Publishing Group in exchange for my honest review.

Click here to read the first 3 chapters of Unlimited for free:

Click here to view the YouTube movie trailer of the movie Unlimited:

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