I must say that I do love spring! The flowers, the green, the smells, etc. Judy's gardens are beginning to 'color-up'. (Yes, I made up that word. Good, huh?) I just had to share some of the pictures. The grass (my job) is about half-way in the greening process. Just turned the sprinkler system on last week, and this week we are getting rain. No better watering system than what drops from the sky. God is the best at watering and growing.
Here you can see the light green Lamb's Ear along the sidewalk. It really does feel soft and fuzzy, just like a lamb's ear. At the far right is white Candy tuft. At the corner is a pink dogwood. She planted the dogwoods when they were about 2 inches high, so after 3+ years, the first one of them bloomed (6 pink blooms). If you click on the picture (to make it bigger) you can see her cinnamon stick fern between the red azalea and oak tree. Of course the big red bushes are azaleas. The hydrangeas are not yet blooming, but you can see them just to the left of the oak tree. And there are hosta plants all along, as well.
Standing in the street, you can see yellow irises, some red flowers that edge the garden (we can't remember what they are called. Anybody know?), some small clumps of daffodils called Lauras, some pansies, and of the course, the youpon holly bush standing up in the center of the garden. It is beautiful in the winter with all its red berries. In a few weeks, this round garden will be edged with white alyssum. And soon, scattered around both gardens, the foxglove will bloom with whites and pinks and yellows. (Foxglove is what is used to make digitalis for the heart, but can be poisonous if eaten in this stage.)
Just a last shot, standing in the yard. All along the sidewalk edge, Judy has planted small impatiens which will grow to give a nice red edge to the garden. Watch the growth of her garden throughout the summer, right here. And maybe I will be able to include her backyard gardens and vegetable plots in days to come. Also, my apples, pears, blueberries and kiwi.
Dreams do come true
12 years ago