OK. After many months of Judy's hard work, Victory Ground website is up and running. Check it out. I am so thankful to Judy. I could never have done this. But her great talent and hard work has brought it to life. She litterally had to do many tutorials along the way. My blog - Gary says... - has moved to that site, as well. It is my inspirational blog, whereas this one is more personal stuff. I hope you enjoy both.
And while you are at it, don't forget Judy's wonderful blog: Bible Learning Lab. It is a great place to learn the scope and connections of the Bible. Plus she has just added a blog to that site called "Judy's World". It may not be available just yet.
And get this! Sometime in the future, she plans to have a website for her creative side and business: Gilmore Graphics. Wow! Are we prolific internet people, or what!
Since I am plugging. Don't forget our daughters' blogs. Kari's is Kari's Ramblings. Stephanie's is Finally Recess. They have all the fun, great stories about our grandkids.
Dreams do come true
12 years ago