Saturday morning and a busy day ahead. I need to do little things in the yard that amount to a lot. I need to trim some hedges, some trees, etc. I want to move some plants, etc. Then there is inside stuff I really must do: sweep, mop and re-shine the wood floors (it has been months!). And some office work, as well.
Here are some things that I ponder on a daily basis. I am so thankful that the Lord has given me these things for consideration. They bring such joy to my life.

That Olivia is reading, and absolutely loves it. Here is a girl that would take time out of play any time to have someone read to her. And every book she has, over and over! Now she is reading by herself. How is that possible that one so tiny coming into this world is now such a reader. When the doctors weren't so hopeful at times!

I ponder that Caitlyn has such beautiful, thick hair that already needs to be cut, at 3 years old! She looks so grown up in pictures (and she thinks she is, too!). I ponder the great friendship she enjoys with her daddy, and remember the times I had with her mommy. Her dad is so wonderful to her, and she so appreciates him.

I ponder on a very special miracle. Ava makes full sentences AND we can understand her! For so long she seemed to stay away by herself and play, and when she did try to communicate it was in some other language. Now she says whole sentences to me, and even on the phone, and I actually understand her. She is becoming such a little lady, and I find myself thinking all sorts of things about her.

I wonder what Brent will be when he grows up. He has such an angelic face, and such a peaceful countenance and attitude (which could change at any time, being just 7 months old). How will he interact with his sister and two female cousins. Will there be a day when he will knock Caitlyn across the floor for all the times she has tried to mother him, and been so rough at it? Or will he just take it in stride. She means well, but typically has to learn what 'gentle' means.
As you can see, my future is very full of important ponderings. If you see me gazing off into space, it isn't idleness or senility, I am really very busy with important considerations.