Judy and I have just returned from a week of sailing in the Bahamas. What a lovely rest time, and the joy of beach combing and wind sailing, etc. It certainly was a God-ordained time. Notice this picture of a beautiful Bahamian sunset. Each evening the islanders blow the conch (konk) shell to announce sunset. So we would run up on deck with our cameras and take such astounding pictures.
We were constantly amazed at the variety of God in a sunset. No two were the same. So each evening was like watching God paint a new picture. Surely He is a creative and unlimited God! When I watched His sunsets, I was always reminded, "Is there anything too hard for God." If He cares so much as to create a new and different sunset each and every evening, does He not care to create each and every day designed just for me? "His mercies are new every morning." And not just new, but different and hand-made and designed with me in mind!
Your days are equally created just for you! Let me encourage you to begin to expect God's design of you life in an intimate way; and to begin to see the happenings of your day as ordered by Him. "The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord, and He (the Lord) delights in his (your) way."