I have been thinking about direction for the last few days. Seems that that is a constant theme in my life because I so want to be going the right way with the Lord. I found this sentence in Bodie & Brock Thoene's Christian novel,
Fifth Seal. "The strength of a man consists of finding the direction God is going and setting his course on the same path." The part that grabbed my attention is "the strength of man". I believe it sums up direction in life as to purpose, character and outcome. So I have been munching on direction lately. Also, I have been going back to my life verse, Exodus 33:13, where Moses says, "Show me now thy way that I may know thee." And then he says, "For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate (read
different), Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth (v.16)." I feel, for me, and for Christians in general, that that is at the core of finding direction. To be separate from the people of the earth, and to be like God in our life. It is one thing to
say I am like God, but quite another to
be like God. John 1:12 says, "To as man as receive him, to them he gives power (authority) to become sons of God." Doesn't mean we automatically are like him in our actions, words, and lifestyle. But we do have the power to be. So again, I pray along with Moses, "show me now thy way, that I may know thee." I am sure that when I see His way of doing, being and living, that I can get in step with him. Again, "the strength of a man consists of finding the direction God is going and setting his course on the same path." And say! If you see God's way in some area or matter, please share with me/us so we can get in line with God, too.